Fredrik Tell
Keynote Speaker
Full Professor and Chair at Department of Business Studies – Uppsala University
Visiting Professor Linköping University
KITE Research Group
Ph.D., Business Administration and International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Enginering (IMIE), Linköping University
Licentiate in economics, Linköping University
Bachelor of Scocial Science, Major: Business Administration Minors: Philosophy and Economics, Linköping University
Fredrik’s research and teaching centres around the implications of innovation and knowledge integration for firm strategies, competitiveness and organization. Much of his research has focused on the evolution of the Electrical Engineering industry, but he is also involved in research projects in the Aerospace, Automotive and Telecommunication industries. Currently he serve as a co-editor of the scientific journal Industrial and Corporate Change.
Publicações recentes:
- Tell, F., Berggren, C., Brusoni, S., Van de Ven, A. (2016). Managing knowledge integration across boundaries.
- Lakemond, N., Tell, F. (2016). Öppen innovation i teori och praktik.
- Lakemond, N., Tell, F. (2016). Öppen innovation i teori och praktik: En kort introduktion.
- I Lakemond, N. & Tell, F. (red.) Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Studentlitteratur. 19-34
- Bengtsson, L., Lakemond, N., Tell, F. (2016). Hur arbetar svenska företag med öppen innovation?.
- I Lakemond, N. & Tell, F. (red.) Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Studentlitteratur. 37-51
- Andersson, D., Tell, F. (2016). Teknologimarknader – idéer som ekonomiska tillgångar.
- I Lakemond, N. & Tell, F. (red.) Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Studentlitteratur. 93-107
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