Revistas A1 en Fast-Track

Editor-in-Chief: David Vogel – (JCR: 8.836)

California Management Review defines management broadly, with a particular focus on corporate strategy and innovation, the management of technology, and the social impact of business.

Our extensive catalog of reprints is used in university courses, executive programs, and management seminars around the world. All of our content is available across a variety of media and platforms, and is distributed in partnership with Harvard Business School Publishing, SAGE Business Publishing,, and EBSCO. During the past year, CMR’s content has been accessed more than half a million times by EBSCO platform users. There were 179,000 downloads on the SAGE Journals platform, and 109,000 copies of CMR’s content were distributed by Harvard Business School Publishing. Based on our five-year impact factor of 6.551, CMR is one of the most frequently cited management publications. We invite you to explore the ways in which the California Management Review can help you meet your academic and professional goals.



Before submitt your article and indicate it to California Management Review in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of the California Management Review.

Editor-in-Chief: Paul Jones – (JCR: 4.412)

The journal has an international perspective on entrepreneurship and publishes conceptual papers and empirical studies which bring together issues of interest to academic researchers and educators, policy-makers and practitioners worldwide. The editorial team encourages high-quality submissions which advance the study of human and behavioural dimensions of entrepreneurship and smaller organizations. Examples of topics which illustrate the scope of the journal are provided below.

• Nascent entrepreneurship and new venture creation
• Management development and learning in smaller businesses
• Enterprise and entrepreneurship education, learning and careers
• Entrepreneurial psychology and cognition
• Management and transition in smaller, growing and family-owned enterprises
• Corporate entrepreneurship and venturing
• Entrepreneurial teams, management and organizations
• Social, sustainable and informal entrepreneurship
• National and international policy, historical and cultural studies in entrepreneurship
• Gender, minority and ethnic entrepreneurship
• Innovative research methods and theoretical development in entrepreneurship
• Resourcing and managing innovation in entrepreneurial ventures

There is constantly increasing academic, business and policy interest in the contributions which entrepreneurship and small businesses make to economic and social growth and regeneration in both national and global contexts. The human dimensions of entrepreneurship are central to this. IJEBR provides an internationally recognized platform for exploration and debate centring on research which is relevant to scientific, policy, commercial and social concerns, and which makes a wider impact beyond the academic community.



Before submitt your article and indicate it to • The International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of The International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research

Editor-in-Chief: Tomi Laamanen – (JCR: 8.802)

Long Range Planning (LRP) is a leading international journal for the field of strategic management. The journal has forged a strong reputation for publishing original research since 1968. We encourage submissions of articles that involve empirical research and theoretical articles, including studies that review and assess the current state of knowledge in important areas of strategy.

The majority of users of LRP come from the academic world, and the journal serves two functions in that world: the transmission of research findings among academic researchers, and the transmission of ideas that are useful in the classroom. Articles may be written for practicing managers and students in professional programs, or they may be directed primarily to academic researchers. LRP takes an inclusive approach to empirical research, publishing studies based on primary survey data, archival data, case study and other recognized approaches to data collection.

LRP welcomes work from scholars based in all parts of the world, including emerging and transitional economies. All work must meet a high standard and is assessed for originality and quality through a rigorous peer review process. The areas of work published by LRP include, among others: corporate strategy and governance, business strategy and new business models, international dimensions of strategy, strategies for emerging markets, entrepreneurship, innovation, organizational structure and design, corporate social responsibility, management of technology, methods for strategy research, and business processes. In addition to publication of high quality individual articles, LRP also publishes topically-themed special issues.



Before submit your article and indicate it to Long Range Planning in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of the Long Range Planning.

Editor-in-Chief: Zoltan J. Acs, David B. Audretsch – (JCR: 8.164)

An Entrepreneurship Journal (SBEJ) publishes original, rigorous theoretical and empirical research addressing all aspects of entrepreneurship and small business economics, with a special emphasis on the economic and societal relevance of research findings for scholars, practitioners and policy makers.

SBEJ covers a broad scope of topics, ranging from the core themes of the entrepreneurial process and new venture creation to other topics like self-employment, family firms, small and medium-sized enterprises, innovative start-ups, and entrepreneurial finance. SBEJ welcomes scientific studies at different levels of analysis, including individuals (e.g. entrepreneurs’ characteristics and occupational choice), firms (e.g., firms’ life courses and performance, innovation, and global issues like digitization), macro level (e.g., institutions and public policies within local, regional, national and international contexts), as well as cross-level dynamics.

As a leading entrepreneurship journal, SBEJ welcomes cross-disciplinary research.



Before submit your article and indicate it to Small Business Economics in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of the Small Business Economics.

Editor-in-Chief: Scott Cunningham, Mei-Chih Hu – (JCR: 8.593)

A major forum for those wishing to deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting and future studies as planning tools as they interrelate social, environmental and technological factors.

The Technological Forecasting and Social Change A major forum for those wishing to deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting and future.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change selects for publication articles that deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting as a planning tool, or the analysis of the interaction of technology with the social, behavioral and environmental aspects in integrative planning.Readability and good writing style are important criteria for publication. Content and presentation must meet the normal standards for scientific credibility and must be of scholarly caliber. Short research notes describing significant work in progress or posing problems for research are also invited.



Before submit your article and indicate it to Technological Forecasting and Social Change in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of the Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Editor-in-Chief: James Fleck – (JCR: 2.874)

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management is an international research journal, linking the analysis of science, technology and innovation with the strategic needs of policy makers and management. The Journal presents research on the analysis of innovation and technology, and on the associated processes, potentials and implications, as well as the development of appropriate methodologies for the effective conduct of such studies.

The scope of the Journal extends from innovation and technological issues at the corporate and organizational level, through state, national and international capabilities, as far as issues of technology-related global politics. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management also promotes strategic thinking about how science and technology can be exploited industrially.



Before submit your article and indicate it to Technology Analysis & Strategic Management in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of the Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.

Editor-in-Chief: S. Matos and W. Vanhaverbeke – (JCR: 6.606)

This interdisciplinary journal encompasses all facets of technological innovation. Innovation is considered from both the perspectives of process and product, social innovations (regulation and policy as well as creation of non-economic benefit), conceptualization of a new technology-based product or process through commercial utilization. Topics include technological trends and breakthroughs; capital for new product development and commercialization; displacement of existing products, management of technology-intense entrepreneurial ventures; management of technological innovation in medium-sized and large organizations; appropriate organizational structures and practices; investment strategies related to new science-based or technology-based enterprises; the technological innovator as an entrepreneur, team-member, manager or employee; technology transfer to, from and between developing countries; technological innovation in all forms of: enterprise, political and economic systems.


Important: Before submitt your article and indicate it to Technovation in the Fast-Track process of the SemeAd, please, ensure the article is appropriate to the scope and patterns of the Technovation.