First International Meeting of Comparative Studies of Contextual and Institutions in Human Resource Management

(6th and 7th of november – 2018)

School of Economics, Business and Accounting

Management Department

São Paulo – Brazil

The meeting is an innovative initiative in the field of Human Resource Management studies in Brazil, relevant in face of the accelerated process of insertion of the Brazilian economy into the dynamics of globalization. The meeting will have invited experts from the CRANET network that will bring the experience accumulated mainly within the CRANET network in the last 28 years. The CRANET network (based at the University of Cranfield – UK) has been researching Human Resources Management (HRM) practices in several countries since 1989. Its main objective is to contribute to theorists and professionals interested in comparative research in people management. The FEA USP (São Paulo) will host the meeting that would strengthen the meeting of the CRANET network at USP for the first time in a university in Latin America and, consequently.

The proposal of the Meeting is integrated into the pre-congress activities of the XXI SEMEAD – Administration Seminars that will be hosted at FEA USP (November 7-9, 2018). The meeting will have a joint session with researchers from the XIII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations (organized by CORS – Center of Organizational Studies of USP) (also among SEMEAD pre-congress activities). This First Meeting would disseminate knowledge among international experts and Brazilian researchers. It is hoped to consolidate a research agenda that establishes national and international connections between universities and researchers.

Registration (limited places):

Call of Papers: Submissions are open (timeline and instructions for submissions)


Prof. Wilson Aparecido Costa de Amorim – FEA USP

Prof. André Luiz Fischer – FEA USP

Meeting Program

06/11Morninga)    Opening session

b)    Lecture:  State of the ARt in HRM international context: conceptual and methodological aspcts

c)     Round Table: HRM research in Europe, Asia, North America and South America

 Afternoona)    Joint session with XIII RWO – Plenária CORS: Microfundaments in Governance and HRM research

b)    Paper sessions

07/11MorningRoud table: HRM research in Brazil: local realities, national context and international connections

Artigos apresentados

M-1Veronica Ahrens; André L. FischerThe role and participation of line managers in the implementation of the strategic Human Resources Management
M-2Pryscilla Aparecida Vaz de Oliveira, Marcela Zucherato, Simone Mendes, Mario Sergio Salerno and André Fischer.How do innovative companies use talent management and retention practices in Brazilian innovative companies? A comparative study.
M-3Carolina Freitas Dias; André
Luiz Fischer; Fabíola Maciel Sarubbi Marangoni
Strategic human resources developement and their realtionships with organizational performance na analysis of the contingency factors influence
M-4Jorge Tenorio Fernando; Leonardo Nelmi
Trevisan; Elza Fátima Rosa Veloso
Technology Impact in the Work Environment: The Perception of Early Career Employees in Brazil
M-5Fernando Rejani Miyazaki; Vivian Gava Malta de AbreuCorrelations between knowledge management practices and the existence of strategic
M-6Giselle Cavalcante Queiroz; Ivy Serena Oliveira Szermeta; Ana
Carolina de Aguiar Rodrigues
How can we talk about commitment in a contexto with outsourcing
M-7Ney Nakazato Miyahira; André L. Fischer

Managing careers in the Brazilian public sector - possibilities and limitations in relation to the set of institutional factors in Force
M-8Wilson Aparecido Costa de Amorim; Antonio Moreira de Carvalho NetoMercosul: a comparative overview about the national industrial relations systems
M-9Célia PhothowHuman Resource Practices and Organizational Commitment: contingency factors analysis
M-10Antonio Carvalho Neto; Gustavo AbreuAn exploratory analysis of Brazil in a comparative employment relations framework
M-11Wilson Aparecido Costa de Amorim; Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da Cruz , Amyra Moyzes Sarsur
HRM Institutional Practices: two distinctive Brazilian experiences