Abaixo os Keynote Speakers confirmados até o momento. Novos keynotes serão adicionados em breve.
Claude Ménard
Claude Ménard
Keynote Speaker
Professor (Emeritus) of Economics, Université de Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Thessaly (Greece): 2005
PH.D. in Economics, Université de Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne): 1981 (“Magna cum laude”; Vouters Award from the Universities of Paris for the Best Dissertation of the year).
PH.D. in History of Science, Université de Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne): 1974 (“Magna cum Laude”; Award from the French Ministry of Education: Grant for publication)
Doctoral Program, History of Science, University of Montréal (Canada): 1970
Claude’s main field of research has been and remains the economics of organizations and institutions. Over time, he have been increasingly involved in the economics of infrastructures, with a special emphasis on the water sector; in the analysis of internal properties of organizations; in inter-firm agreements (“hybrid” arrangements, such as joint ventures, strategic alliances etc.); and in the interaction between institutional reforms and organizational change.
Publicações recentes:
- Ménard C., Oudot J., (2010), Opportunisme ou équité ? Le cas des contrats d’approvisionnement de défense, Revue Française d’Economie, Revue française d’économie, 2010, 24 , pp.196-226
- Ménard C., (2013), About some distortions in the interpretation of ‘The Problem of Social Cost’, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2013, 5 , pp.261-265. <10.1080/19390459.2013.847596>
- Kunneke R., Groenewegen J., Ménard C., (2010), Aligning modes of organization with technology: Critical transactions in the reform of infrastructures, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier, 2010, 75 , pp.494-505
- Ménard C., (2014), Embedding organizational arrangements: towards a general model, Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2014, 10 (Special issue 04), pp.567-589. <10.1017/S1744137414000228>
- Ménard C., (2014), The diversity of institutional rules as engine of change, Journal of Bioeconomics, Springer Verlag, 2014, 16 , pp.83-90. <10.1007/s10818-013-9169-1>
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Adam Duhachek
Adam Duhachek
Keynote Speaker
Professor of Marketing
Nestlé-Hustad Professor of Marketing
PhD, Northwestern University
MS, Northwestern University
BA, University of Nebraska
Adam’s research interests emphasize two distinct themes. One research stream focuses on understanding the nature of consumer coping processes, including specifying the role of consumption emotions and identifying a diverse set of consumer coping strategies and studying their effects on consumer behavior. The other addresses various issues of consumer health and welfare, including improving the effectiveness of health messaging.
Publicações recentes:
- Han, Da Hee, Adam Duhachek and Nidhi Agrawal (2014), “When Emotions Shape Construal Level: The Case of Guilt and Shame,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41(4): 1047-1064.
- Poor, Morgan, Adam Duhachek and H. Shanker Krishnan (2013), “How Images of Other Consumers Influence Subsequent Taste Perceptions,” Journal of Marketing, vol. 77, issue 6, pages124-139.
- Agrawal, Nidhi, DaHee Han, and Adam Duhachek (2013), “Emotional Agency Appraisals Influence Responses to Preference Inconsistent Information,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 120, issue 1, pages 87-97.
- Poor, Morgan, Adam Duhachek and H. Shanker Krishnan (2012), “The Moderating Role of Emotional Differentiation on Satiation,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 507-519.
- Duhachek, Adam, Nidhi Agrawal, and DaHee Han (2012), “Guilt Versus Shame: Coping, Fluency, and Framing in the Effectiveness of Responsible Drinking Messages,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 928-941.
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Fredrik Tell
Fredrik Tell
Keynote Speaker
Full Professor and Chair at Department of Business Studies – Uppsala University
Visiting Professor Linköping University
KITE Research Group
Ph.D., Business Administration and International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Enginering (IMIE), Linköping University
Licentiate in economics, Linköping University
Bachelor of Scocial Science, Major: Business Administration Minors: Philosophy and Economics, Linköping University
Fredrik’s research and teaching centres around the implications of innovation and knowledge integration for firm strategies, competitiveness and organization. Much of his research has focused on the evolution of the Electrical Engineering industry, but he is also involved in research projects in the Aerospace, Automotive and Telecommunication industries. Currently he serve as a co-editor of the scientific journal Industrial and Corporate Change.
Publicações recentes:
- Tell, F., Berggren, C., Brusoni, S., Van de Ven, A. (2016). Managing knowledge integration across boundaries.
- Lakemond, N., Tell, F. (2016). Öppen innovation i teori och praktik.
- Lakemond, N., Tell, F. (2016). Öppen innovation i teori och praktik: En kort introduktion.
- I Lakemond, N. & Tell, F. (red.) Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Studentlitteratur. 19-34
- Bengtsson, L., Lakemond, N., Tell, F. (2016). Hur arbetar svenska företag med öppen innovation?.
- I Lakemond, N. & Tell, F. (red.) Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Studentlitteratur. 37-51
- Andersson, D., Tell, F. (2016). Teknologimarknader – idéer som ekonomiska tillgångar.
- I Lakemond, N. & Tell, F. (red.) Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Studentlitteratur. 93-107
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Cynthia Ingols
Cynthia Ingols
Keynote Speaker
Professor of Practice
Simmons School of Management
Ed.D. Harvard University
M.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A. University of Georgia
Cynthia Ingols is an experienced professor, consultant and researcher, who specializes in the ways individuals lead and organizations change and negotiate with their environments. At the Simmons School Management, she teaches in both the MBA and Executive Education programs. In the MBA program, she teaches Leading Organizational Change and Career Strategies. Ingols is the faculty director of Strategic Leadership for Women, an executive education program that strengths the leadership skills, attitudes and motivations of its participants. Earlier in her career, she taught Management Communication at the Harvard Business School and qualitative research methodology courses at other institutions.
For three decades Ingols has worked as an organization consultant. She focuses her consulting work in three areas: developing interactive executive education programs, particularly using cases and simulations; coaching managers and executives to enhance their leadership potential and careers; and conducting diagnostic work to promote change in organizations. Past clients include: The Leadership Center of the Boeing Corporation, the US Department of Defense, Harvard University, and Verizon. Recently, Ingols worked with 25 middle managers at Harvard University in a five-part practicum on how to successfully lead organizational change across the university.
Ingols’ research and publications follow similar lines. Her research on executive education programs has been published in leading journals, such as Harvard Business Review, Organizational Dynamics, and Training. Her research work on creating innovative organizational structures was published in the Design Management Journal. She has published about careers in such journals as the Journal of Career Development and co-authored two books on career management. They include, Take Charge of Your Career (2005), and A Smart, Easy Guide to Interviewing (2003).
Marcelo Bianconi
Marcelo Bianconi
Keynote Speaker
Professor of Economics
Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.A. University of Illinois
B.A. University of Sao Paolo
Professor Bianconi joined Tufts as an Assistant Professor in 1989 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1995. His main fields of research are theoretical and applied economic models with particular attention to domestic and international aspects of monetary and fiscal policies and risk and information methods in economics and finance. His academic work has appeared in European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Review of International Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Economics Letters, Canadian Journal of Economics, International Tax and Public Finance, among others. His book entitled Financial Economics, Risk and Information: An Introduction to Methods and Models is forthcoming by World Scientific Publishing Co. Between January 2000-January 2003, Prof. Bianconi was elected and served as executive secretary of the International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS).
Carlos Cabral-Cardoso
Carlos Cabral-Cardoso
Keynote Speaker
Director do programa de doutoramento em Gestão da Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
Professor catedrático de Gestão da Faculdade de Economia, da Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
PhD. em “business administration” pela Universidade de Manchester (U.K)
Carlos Cabral-Cardoso é doutorado em “business administration” pela Universidade de Manchester (U.K), sendo actualmente professor catedrático de Gestão da Faculdade de Economia, da Universidade do Porto (Portugal) e director do programa de doutoramento em Gestão daquela faculdade. Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se em temáticas de diversidade, ética, retórica da gestão, e relações trabalho-vida e privacidade em contexto de trabalho. A sua lista de publicações inclui artigos em periódicos científicos como o Journal of Business Ethics; Human Relations; International Journal of Human Resource Management; Personnel Review; Journal of Management Education; International Public Management Journal; International Journal of Intercultural Relation; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal; Gender in Management: An International Journal; Career Development International; Leadership & Organization Development Journal; Technology Analysis & Strategic Management; International Journal of Innovation Management; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, entre outros.
Publicações recentes:
- Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2017). Women in management in Portugal. In R.J. Burke & A.M. Richardsen (Eds), Women in management worldwide: Signs of progress (3rd edition, pp 62-77). Abingdon: Routledge.
- Cabral-Cardoso, C., Cortez, M.C. & Lopes, L. (2016). Venture Capital and the financial crisis in Portugal: The VC managers’ viewpoint. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23(4).
- Cabral-Cardoso, C. & Fernandes, C. (2014). Entrepreneurship among Portuguese women. In L. Kelly (Ed.), Entrepreneurial women: New management and leadership models (vol. 2, pp. 135-156). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Barbosa, I. & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2014). Words fly quicker than actions: The globalization of the diversity discourse. In G.S. Drori, M.A. Höllerer & P. Walgenbach (Eds.), Global themes and local variations in organization and management. Perspectives on glocalization (pp. 146-160). New York: Routledge.
- Pinto, L.H., Cabral-Cardoso, C. & Werther Jr., W.B. (2012). Compelled to go abroad? Motives and outcomes of international assignments. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(11), 2295-2314.
Tiago Ratinho
Tiago Ratinho
Keynote Speaker
Assistant Professor of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Ph.D., University of Twente
M.S., Technical University of Lisbon
B.S., University of Evora
Tiago joined the Merrick School of Business at the University of Baltimore in 2013. He holds a PhD from the University of Twente having defended his thesis on the impact of business incubation in 2011. His research interests are in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Technology Transfer. Tiago graduated in Industrial Engineering (Évora) and holds a MSc in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology (Lisbon). His research has been published in international journals (e.g. Technovation) and international conferences (e.g. Academy of Management Meetings, Babson College Research Conference on Entrepreneurship).
Publicações recentes:
- Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Walsh, S. T. (2015). Making Sense out of Chaos: Structuring the Technology Entrepreneurship publication landscape. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 100. 168-175.
- Benneworth, P., & Ratinho, T. (2014). Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in knowledge based urban development. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 32(5), 784-808.
- Bruneel, J., Ratinho, T., Clarysse, B., & Groen, A. (2012). The Evolution of Business Incubators: comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations. Technovation. 32(2). 110-121.
- Ratinho, T. (2013). Indispensable-When leaders really matter, G. Mukunda. Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, 301 p.. Scandinavian journal of management. 29. 325–326.
Ratinho, T. (2013). Technology management: activities and tools. Technological forecasting and social change. 81. 403–404.