Innovation Management

Coordinator: Guilherme Ary Plonski, PhD


Assistant Coordinator: Carlos Augusto Vargas, PhD


Temas e Líderes:

Ways of stimulating creativity for innovation. Behavioral challenges derived from the risks associated with innovation. Managing organizational changes. Organizational culture and innovation. Managing multidisciplinary teams. Diversity management and innovation. Innovation in times of social media. Other cutting-edge topics related to the theme.

Knowledge management in technology-intensive organizations and its contribution to innovation. Intellectual property management in companies and scientific-technological institutions (STIs). Technological innovation centers (TICs) and other agents of technology transfer. Strategies and contractual aspects for licensing and commercializing technologies. Valuing technologies. Mapping companies derived from STIs (spin-offs). Other cutting-edge topics related to the theme.

Organizational configurations and structures for innovation. Managing Research and Development (R&D) centers and units. Solutions, tools, and organizational practices for managing innovation processes. Management for taking advantage of public policies supporting innovation. Management of ST&I programs and projects. Mechanisms for disseminating innovations. Other cutting-edge topics related to the theme.

Political and institutional context of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I). National and subnational public policies for promoting innovation. Systems for supporting, incentivizing, and funding ST&I. Evaluating and measuring the impacts of national, regional, and sectoral ST&I policies. Company technological and innovation strategies. ST&I in business and in international relationships. Other cutting-edge topics related to the theme.

Collaborative arrangements of ST&I institutions and businesses. Public-private partnerships for innovation. Open innovation models (e.g., coproduction, co-design, and co-creation). Dynamics of innovation areas (e.g., incubators and accelerators; parks; technology poles and districts). Smart cities. Creative economy. Other cutting-edge topics related to the theme.

Strategies and practices for sustainable technological innovation (e.g., eco-innovation and eco-design) Innovation within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable innovation metrics. Technology and the challenge of employment. Promoting impact entrepreneurship. Innovation and the third sector. Other cutting-edge topics related to the theme.