Impact Projects

SEMEAD-IMPACT PROJECTS 2021 is a space meant for presenting and debating research projects that are underway or completed in up to two years, funded by public or private entities (that are not traditional support bodies – CAPES, CNPQ, FAPs), whose results have significant implications for resolving practical problems.

The event aims to present, debate, simulate, and encourage the elaboration of new projects, based on existing demands, through interlocution between interested researchers, impact project coordinators, and their respective funders. It aims to discuss the social impact of the scientific research, as well as its funding.

If you are interested in divulging your project or learning about projects funded through alternative sources from the traditional ones that meet the demands of society, take part in SEMEAD IMPACT PROJECTS 2021.

For submission, projects should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Projects underway or completed in up to two years;
  • Projects funded by public or private entities (that are not traditional support bodies – CAPES, CNPQ, FAPs);
  • Projects whose results have significant implications for resolving practical problems, whether in the area of public administration, of companies, or of civil society organizations.

Suggestions for structuring a project (up to 3000 words):

  • Introduction
  • Context and reality investigated
  • Diagnosis of the situation-problem and/or opportunity
  • Analysis of the situation-problem and proposed innovation/intervention/recommendation
  • Contribution/originality/impact of the project
  • References

Opening date for submissions: 07/12/2021

Closing date for submissions: 08/06/2021

Results and announcement of approved projects: 09/14/2021