Special Issues

Coordinator: Ricardo Vinicius Dias Jordão, PhD

Assistant Coordinator: Luiz Guilherme Antunes, Msc
Temas e Líderes:
This special edition of this Brazilian Journal of Marketing — Revista Brasileira de Marketing — ReMark is aimed at improving our knowledge by exploring the interdisciplinary complexity and practice of place branding in Brazilian contexts, towards the advancement of applied social sciences literature. Unlike in Europe, North America, or Asia, in Brazil, empirical research is at the initial stage of looking for academic publications on building place brands, place brand marketing and management. A place brand refers to a construct conceptually and empirically diversified, calls for establishing the bases and theoretical and methodological framework, be it in empirical academic studies, advisory projects, or public policies. The idea behind this upcoming compendium of articles offered by ReMark stems from the need to conceptualise a place brand in Brazilian studies on the subject with special emphasis placed on research which seems to be at the very heart of place marketing. These places, public or private, compete in a local, regional, and/or global market in the marketplace and/or in market space.
We call for articles that make a scientific contribution to one or more of the following four key focuses of the journal: Research Methods and Theory in Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Management and Marketing Strategies, Marketing in Specific Contexts. In addition, onto-epistemological consistency in place is sought within the market framework, in the role of a place from the perspectives of strategic and tactical marketing with both theoretical and methodological schemes. For the definition of methodological procedures, it is advisable to base studies using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Additionally, manuscripts based on bibliographic analysis or bibliometric studies will be accepted. We also welcome contextual studies focused on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic or comparing different places (from different continents or countries). Of special importance are digital communication and creating digital experiences which have emerged recently as tools prevailing in places as a result of the pandemic. Online place branding campaigns and virtual tools are also underlying themes to be discussed due to the impact of technology and communication transformations.
Editor in Chief: Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior, PhD (FEA-USP)
Academic research and practice has shown so far that resilience is a desirable characteristic of an organization. Resilience can be understood as an organization’s capacity to adaptively respond and recover, as well as to create innovative ways of doing business when experiencing duress as an outcome of unexpected events and abrupt changes (Linnenluecke, 2017). Despite initial empirical findings (e.g., Bristow & Healy, 2018), little has been explored on the role of innovation in promoting resilience for businesses and societies at large.
In this special issue, we will focus on the research around the intersections of resilience and innovation within the management literature. The COVID-19 global pandemic exposed many communities’ and businesses’ lack of resilience throughout the world, illuminating the pressing need to explore how innovation, both at the organizational and societal levels, can support – or undermine – attempts to build resilience in the long run. Additionally, we expect to include research on how different types of innovation can support or hinder this process and what capabilities, resources, and other characteristics can be the key for successful organizations and thriving communities.
We call for novel research which investigates the innovation and resilience nexus, seeking interdisciplinary research on the realm of innovation and management across different levels of analysis. Research from related disciplines such as social sciences, political science, or economics are welcomed as long as they concurrently address the issues of resilience and innovation.
Service Innovation is a topic that has gained relevance in recent decades. Whether private or public, large or small, national or international, organizations from different segments have sought to focus on service-related innovations, often adapting their business models. Therefore, we encourage research on topics related to Service Innovation.
Topics for Submission of Articles: Service Innovation and Digital Economy; Dynamic Capabilities in Service Innovation; Business Models in Service Innovation; Service Innovation and Digital Transformation; Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Services; Innovation in Services in the Public Sector/Organizations; Trends in Servitization; Free Themes on Service Innovation.
Information for authors:
Papers must be submitted in English.
Since its launch by the United Nations in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a worldwide reference in discussing social, environmental and other related issues. The SDGs are an integrated framework comprising 17 goals, 169 objectives and more than 200 indicators, and based on five principles: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership (UN, 2015). By emphasizing the importance of the SDGs in Management Research (George et al., 2016; Chapman et al., 2020; Macht et al., 2020), this Special Issue aims to stimulate authors to discuss how Management Research addresses the numerous critical issues covered by the SDGs, and at the same time contributing to Management Theory and Practice.
Information for authors:
Papers should follow RAUSP Management Journal’s guidelines (guidelines can be found on the journal’s webpage).
The pandemic has created global disruptions in all aspects of our lives, including how we create, deliver, and consume products and services. This special track aims to bring together international scholars to share their research on the experiences and insights into how businesses identify, react, and respond to the disruptions. Particularly, on how various factors (e.g. technology, socio-culture, economy, politics, ecology, etc.) have changed, shaped, and developed new behaviors that require businesses to deploy adaptive marketing strategies.
We welcome articles that provide theoretical or conceptual frameworks to help businesses in comprehending the change in behaviors. This special track seeks both conceptual and empirical studies that advance our knowledge on this particular area. We also encourage studies that use various methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, and other approaches.
This new Area of submissions, called “Special Issues,” and its respective tracks at SemeAd are partnerships with journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science.
The submitted papers in these tracks will go through the regular review process at SemeAd. Among the approved papers, some will be selected by the journals for a Fast-Track process. The articles approved in Fast-Track after the conference should be submitted to the journal’s platform.
Papers submitted for the Special Issues must be in English. The presentations of these papers will be in English as well.