Organizational Studies
Coordinator: Maria Luísa Mendes Teixeira, PhD
Temas e Líderes:
The aim of this topic is to attract papers that endeavor to actively discuss epistemological questions in Administration from any paradigmatic perspective. We understand “discuss epistemological questions” as discussions about the production of “truths”: their possibility conditions, their limits, and the criticisms to which these truths are subjected. We also understand that the epistemological debate directly relates to ontological questions, that is, to the nature of the world we live in and in which our viewpoint is located. We understand that ontological and epistemological questions often coexist – thus the frequent use of “onto-epistemological questions.” We stress that the object of this topic is not problems of a purely methodological order. Papers on methodology may be submitted when they directly involve a discussion that is epistemological or ontological in nature – that is, questions related to the truth and the nature of the observed object. We encourage the submission of papers with any paradigmatic orientation, particularly because the discussion of paradigms is a discussion about epistemology. With the aim of opening up inter- and transdisciplinary debates among the various forms of production of know-how in organizations, we welcome papers based on or inspired by areas of knowledge such as Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, History, Geography, and Economics. In order to create an environment that favors the exchange of know-how, we encourage not only sending completed investigations, but also the submission of papers that are still being elaborated and present more questions than answers.
Although the administrative sciences often focus on studying formal organizations characterized by bureaucracy, hierarchy, and formal rationality, the reality is always more diverse. There are numerous organizational forms that emerge from reality and do not fit the hegemonic models. In this topic, we encourage theoretical, essay-type, or theoretical-empirical articles based on various epistemological, theoretical, and methodological perspectives that adhere to Organizational Studies in the following topics: ways of organizing prefiguratives; non-utilitarian organizations; autonomous or vernacular organizations; horizontal organizations; organizational conception; alternative forms of organizing; non-hegemonic organizations; debt vs. donation; solidary economics; heteronomy vs. autonomy; camaraderie; cottage industries; the common good; post-extractivism; degrowth and living well.
We encourage theoretical and theoretical-empirical articles using an approach focusing on the different levels of analysis: individual, group, organizational, and inter-organizational learning and inter-level relationships. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the phenomenon studied, we welcome research with different theoretical orientations (Psychology, Sociology, and the Science of Organizations, among others) and different methodological orientations. The following are some examples of concepts covered in this topic: organizational learning; learning organizations; formal and informal learning; transformative learning and critical reflection on assumptions; practice communities; social and experiential learning; learning through practice; learning based on work; practices focused on learning and knowledge management; measuring learning and the relationship with its antecedents and consequences.
We encourage innovative theoretical or theoretical-empirical articles based on different epistemological, ontological, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the following topics: attitudes and satisfaction at work; commitment, entrenchment, and consent with the organization and with the career; emotions and affects at work; personality, self-referenced assessments, and values; perception, attribution, decision making; motivation; aesthetics in/of organizations; health and well-being in organizations; leadership in organizations; ethics and social responsibility; power in organizations; conflict and negotiation; virtual organization, virtual teams, multicultural teams; organizational structure; organizational change; the practices approach and studying the day-to-day of organizations.
This aims to provide theories and empirical research that adheres to organizational studies on: gender, sexuality (LGBTQ+), race, age, class, and other institutionalized power systems that produce hierarchies, inequalities, and privileges. Intersectionality between identities and different forms of group expressions. Impact of affirmative actions, diversity policies, diversity management, and discourses on different groups and on the promotion of inclusion at work and in organizations. Structural and institutional barriers to promoting equity and equality. Impacts of diversity and the production of difference on individual, group, and organizational well-being. Repercussion of organizational and workforce structures over marginalized subjects and dominant groups. Production of discriminations, preconceptions, and stereotypes. Consequences of different cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities in the labor and organizational environment. Identity production and its relationship with organizational studies. Work experiences of members of different groups. People with disabilities and religious identities in organizations. Diversity in Academia.
We encourage different theoretical, methodological, and epistemological perspectives on organizational symbolisms, cultures, and identities. For this, the aim is to interpret organizations as a locus of cultural differences (cross-culture) and of the creation of meanings in social interactions. Brazilian culture in the various organizational and social contexts. National, local, and organizational cultures. Culture, religion, and ideology. Cultural heritage. The social symbolism of organizations. Material and visual culture. Language, body, gestures, and images. Echoes, sounds, colors, and perfumes. Metaphors, histories, and fictions. Space, environment, and atmosphere. Socially constructed identities. Subject and identity. Culture and identity. Symbols of identity. Organizational identity.