Teaching and Research

Coordinator: Manolita Correia Lima, PhD

Assistant Coordinator: Alessandra de Sá Mello Costa, PhD
Temas e Líderes:
Social, physical, psychological, and pedagogical contexts in which learning occurs. The teacher and the student in the context of teaching geared towards learning. Active and collaborative teaching and learning methods. Process planning; development of methods, techniques, and tools for teaching and learning; development of educational activities, materials, events, and products. Teaching design and educational environments. Development of artifacts such as games, cases, and simulators, as well as their use in the teaching-learning process. Influence of the individual differences in the teaching-learning context and of the recent COVID-19 pandemic context.

Conception, planning, implementation, and evaluation of distance learning, e-learning, and b-learning projects. Virtual learning environments. Communication, interaction, and collaborative work in virtual learning environments. Mediation and monitoring of learning in virtual environments. Subjectivity and massification in virtual learning environments. Teaching methods and evaluation of learning in distance learning, e-learning, and b-learning projects. Diversity/specificity of the use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies (ICDT), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and other complementary technologies in distance learning, E-learning, and B-learning projects. Non-presential learning and hybrid learning that incorporate artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality, among others.

Ouça a descrição do tema:
Results of research on experiences in learning and in the promotion of learning in real situations. Relationship between educational policies and educational practices. Individual and organizational experiences of implementing new educational policies/methodologies. Development and use of innovative teaching-learning practices. Methodological innovations and good teaching-learning practices. Teaching-learning experiences with distance, in-person, and hybrid models.

Public policies geared towards training teachers and researchers. Scientific and pedagogical programs for training teachers and researchers. The process of academic orientation and teacher and researcher training. Implications of academic productivism in teacher and researcher training. Development of teacher and researcher competences. Teacher and researcher career paths. Challenges for training and practicing the career of a teacher and/or researcher. Gender, racial, ethnic, and generational diversity in the career of a teacher/researcher.

Ouça a descrição do tema:
Planning scientific research. Evaluating scientific research: validity and reliability criteria. Ethics in scientific research. Methodological approaches. Data collection techniques. Data analysis procedures. Benefits of adopting quantitative and qualitative methods. Innovative methods and virtual/online scientific research techniques.

Strategic Management in HEIs. Training of academic managers. DCNs. Innovation and curriculum redesign of courses. Course/HEI evaluation/accreditation systems (SINAES, AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA). Institutional self-assessment (CPA). Graduate Evaluation System (CAPES/Qualis). Organization of PPGs. Teaching-learning evaluation theories and methodologies. Instruments for assessing learning and planning and the teaching-learning process.

Teaching cases are a didactic tool. They involve describing an administrative situation experienced by a decision maker in a private, public, or third sector organizational environment. Based on the report of a dilemma to be discussed in the context of graduate or postgraduate teaching, the teacher will address the learning objectives of the discipline. The case should contemplate one or more topics of Administration, in order to illustrate the reality experienced by organizations, institutions, groups, or people that experience a particular challenge, described in detail. The case elaborated aims to fit the needs for use in teaching-learning environments, both to illustrate a previously studied theory and to serve as provocation during the presentation of new content. Besides describing the case, teaching notes should also be included, which guide the teacher in conducting the discussion of the case.