People Management

Coordinator: Heliani Berlato, PhD


Assistant Coordinator: Helio Arthur Reis Irigaray, PhD


Temas e Líderes:

Questions related to gender, LGBTQI, PCDs, intersectionalities, masculinities, femininities, queer theory, and work-non work relationship.

Leader: Fabricio Stocker, PhD (FGV/EBAPE)
International Co-Leader: Lucas Amaral Lauriano, PhD (IÉSEG – School of Management - França)

Career types and trends. Career management and succession. Expatriation. Coaching and mentoring. Generations of professionals.

Leader: Elza Fátima Rosa Veloso, PhD (FIA)
International Co-Leader: Jesús Barrena Martínez, PhD (UCA Espanha)

Team leadership and management. Leadership theories and their applications. Styles, roles and models of management and leadership in organizations. Leadership development.

Leader: Luiz Sebastião Junior, PhD (UFPE)
Assistant Leader: Ana Christina Celano, PhD (IBMEC-RJ)

Convergences and divergences between theoretical frameworks and policies, models, and practices for managing people that are institutionalized or not within the context of organizations, depending on the size of the company. Policies, models, and practices for improving people management and its functions, such as recruitment, selection, performance management, workplace hygiene, and safety, evaluating results, as well as reformulating the people management area in organizations and the processes for communication between members of the organization and management by competencies.

Leader: Kely César Martins de Paiva, PhD (UFMG)
Assistant Leader: Silas Dias Mendes Costa, PhD (UFRR)

Values, Meanings and Bonds at/at work: Values ​​(human, personal, at work, organizational), Meanings and meanings at/at work, Organizational bonds (commitment, consent, entrenchment) and related emerging themes.

Leader: Kely Cesar Martins de Paiva,PhD (UFMG)
Assistant Leader: Milka Barbosa Ppgdides, PhD (UNIVASF) and PROFIAP (UFAL)

Work, its meaning (or absence of it), and the ways organizations seek quality of life, satisfaction, forms of recognition, and rewards. We welcome critical approaches and reflections regarding the individual-organization and individual-work relationships.

Leader: Andrea Poleto Oltramari, PhD (UFRGS)
Assistant Leader: Rosana Córdova Guimarães, PhD (UFRGS)