Keynotes Speakers

Horário de Brasília

DIA 06/11 – QUARTA-FEIRA | 14:00 – 15:30


AI threats (and opportunities) to management and accounting academy: views from an editor and educator


AI threats (and opportunities) to management and accounting academy: views from an editor and educator

The keynote “”Challenges and Opportunities of AI for Accounting Education”” aims to explore the profound transformations that artificial intelligence (AI), particularly large language models such as ChatGPT, are bringing to the management and accounting academy and specifically to accounting education (AE). The recent acceleration in AI development has created what can be described as a “”change-inducing crisis,”” offering a unique opportunity for the management and accounting academy to reassess the functionalist and technical reductionist view that has historically dominated the field. In this presentation, Greg Stoner will argue that while AI poses certain threats, it also opens the door to the incorporation of a renewed human dimension in accounting education, emphasising broader social and critical perspectives. We will discuss how AI can act as a catalyst for curricular renewal, moving beyond the technical, financial, and managerial focus that has been the foundation of accounting education for decades. The proposal also calls for the management and accounting academy to take on a leadership role in adapting management and accounting education to the needs of contemporary society. This involves “”taking education back from the market”” and ensuring that accounting education is technically relevant, socially engaged, and critically reflective.

We invite educators, researchers, and professionals to consider how AI can serve as an ally in reshaping teaching practices and preparing accounting professionals who are better equipped to face the ethical and social challenges that the discipline will encounter in the 21st century.

Keynote speaker:
Greg Stoner (University of Glasgow)
Greg has a PhD in accounting history and education from the University of Glasgow and is a Professor of Accounting, with primary research interests in the history of accounting, the accounting profession, accounting education and the impact and utilisation of information systems (and IT) in accounting practice and higher education. Greg is currently Editor for Accounting Education, is on the editorial board of Accounting and Business Research, and was Associate Editor of Issues in Accounting Education (one of the three primary publications of the American Accounting Association). Greg was awarded the 2021 American Accounting Association TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award (with Alan Sangster & Barbara Flood) for their 2020 paper “Insights into accounting education in a COVID-19 world”, Accounting Education, 29:5, 431-562,

Ana Carolina Rodrigues (FEA/USP)
Ana Rodrigues is a doctoral student in Management. She holds a Master’s Degree in Accounting and Controllership at FEA-USP. She graduated in Administration from the School of Applied Sciences of UNICAMP. Enthusiastic about understanding the empowerment of women throughout political, social, and economic changes. Member of the Latin American network QRCA – Qualitative Research and Critical Accounting. She is an associated researcher and coordinator of GENERAS –  FEA-USP Center for Research and Outreach on Gender, Race and Sexuality, researching: (1) refugee women and their entrepreneurial trajectories, during data collection she was a visiting researcher at the University of Minnesota, in the United States, where she interviewed Somali women who resettled in the USA; (2) women who sell food, flavors, and knowledge, in which she began a tour through countries in South, Central America, and the Caribbean. She has research interests that involve discussions on financial independence, gender, and food as a political and cultural act

Silvia Casa Nova (FEA/USP)
Silvia Casa Nova is a full professor at the University of São Paulo and a faculty member of the Graduate Programme in Management. She was a faculty member of the Master’s programme at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. She is co-founder of GENERAS – the FEA-USP Center for Research and Outreach on Gender, Race and Sexuality. She had been a visiting researcher at Université Laval, University of Minnesota and Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She co-coordinates the QRCA (Qualitative Research and Critical Accounting) research network. She holds a Masters and a PhD from USP. She graduated and was post-doctorated by Getulio Vargas. Cachaça enthusiast. Mother of José, Isabela and Gabriela. Guardian of Berenice, Otto and Café. See major publications at

DIA 07/11 – QUINTA-FEIRA | 13:00 – 14:30


Pesquisa em Inteligência Artificial na USP e no Brasil


Pesquisa em Inteligência Artificial na USP e no Brasil

O C4AI/USP – Center for Artificial Intelligence da USP – é um centro de pesquisa iniciado em 2020 com financiamento conjunto da FAPESP e IBM, criado com a finalidade de desenvolver pesquisas no estado da arte em Inteligência Artificial (IA), explorando tanto aspectos básicos quanto aplicados.

Nesse Keynote, o Prof. Fábio Cozman, Diretor do C4AI, apresentará os principais resultados dos primeiros cinco anos do projeto e os próximos passos da pesquisa em IA na USP e no Brasil, incluindo nessa discussão os desafios propostos pelo PBIA – Plano Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial, recentemente lançado pelo Governo Federal

Keynote speaker:
Fabio Gagliardi Cozman (C4AI/USP)
Professor Titular da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Diretor do Centro de Inteligência Artificial na USP, e pesquisador com foco em aprendizado de máquina e representação de conhecimento e incerteza. Engenheiro pela Escola Politécnica USP e PhD pela Carnegie Mellon University (EUA), serviu, entre outras atividades, como Program e General Chair da Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Area Chair da International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Associate Editor dos periódicos Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, e Journal of Approximate Reasoning; foi também coordenador do Comitê Especial em Inteligência Artificial da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, e recebeu o Prêmio de Mérito Científico em Inteligência Artificial concedido por aquela sociedade.

Cesar Alexandre de Souza (FEA/USP)
Graduado em Engenharia de Produção, com mestrado e doutorado em Administração pela USP, onde é professor doutor. Atua em Sistemas de Informação, com foco em ERP, informatização de pequenas e médias empresas e governo eletrônico. Suas pesquisas abrangem ERP, CRM, SCM, BI, TI, redes sociais, comércio eletrônico e negócios digitais.

Building a Sustainable Future: Connections, Governance, and Networks of Businesses in the Sustainability Transition (SemeAD + Fórum All4Food)


Building a Sustainable Future: Connections, Governance, and Networks of Businesses in the Sustainability Transition (SemeAD + Fórum All4Food)

Keynote speaker:
Prof. Jos Bijman (Wageningen University & Research) 

Dr. Jos Bijman is professor of cooperative organisations, in the Business, Management and Organisation Group, of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. His research focusses on the organisation of business collaboration in agrifood chains and industries. Within the transition towards a more sustainable society, businesses seek new partners and new forms of collaboration. Jos Bijman has been teaching and publishing on cooperatives and other types of collective business models. He has been an advisor to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the FAO, and the Government of The Netherlands. Jos Bijman has co-managed several international scientific research programs with partners from all over the world, recently on innovation in fresh produce value chains: CO-FRESH.

DIA 08/11 – SEXTA-FEIRA | 13:00 – 14:30


The Dead End of Unsustainable Innovation Management


The Dead End of Unsustainable Innovation Management

Innovation management as we know it today needs to further develop – and does already to some extend – towards a dedicated business function which designs, implements and finetunes the existing innovation processes towards a seamless business process

For this especially it needs to develop, implement and maintain an innovation culture connecting ideas and solutions development and controlling with grand challenges and ESG awareness at least. This is evidently only one initial step towards sustainable innovation management. It’s an attempt to combine ESG and SDG awareness in company solutions with the customer thereby achieving economic impact (revenues) driven innovation. In addition planning and impact assessment are balanced with the latter including environmental and societal impacts. So to say the revised paradigm highlights a systemic holistic view on managing innovation. Obviously it’s becoming a complex and multisided paradigm affecting more than the company level (micro level) but also touching upon the meso (ecosystem) and macro (country) contexts. The macro context usually sets the framework conditions under which the meso and micro level prosper. The challenge eventually is the connection between the levels, their mutual impact and the linkages between the individuals, groups, networks and so on.

Keynote speaker:
Dirk Meissner (HSE University)
Is Distinguished Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Economics of Innovation at HSE ISSEK and Academic Director of the Master’s Programme “Science, Technology and Innovation Management and Policy”. Dr. Meissner has 25 years experience in research and teaching technology and innovation management and policy. He has strong background in policy making and industrial management for STI. He is Associate Editor of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, member of Editorial Review Board at Small Business Economics and Journal of Knowledge Management. He guest-edited Special Issues in Industry and Innovation Journal, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Technological Analysis and Strategic Management among others.


Ticiana Braga de Vincenzi (FEA/USP)
Professora de Economia das Organizações na FEA-USP, com Pós-doutorado em Economia Circular pela Poli-USP. Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Positivo, com sanduíche na University of Manchester. Mestre em Administração e MBA Executivo pelo COPPEAD/UFRJ. Possui 20 anos de experiência profissional, sendo 18 no setor de Serviços, com foco em gestão de operações, relacionamento com clientes, desenvolvimento de produtos, e melhoria da qualidade e agilidade no atendimento ao cliente final.